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Hypnosis. Questions and Answers

Effective Hypnosis, clinical hypnotherapy, questions (Q) and answers (A)

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Circles and clocks in distinct colours.  
Hypnosis opens the door to the unconscious
Hypnosis opens the door to the unconscious

Many people have heard about hypnosis and have questions what it is. At times, people might recall a movie with a hypnosis scene, or perhaps stage hypnosis from a fair they visited. Neither the former nor the latter are true depictions of what hypnosis is about. This article will discuss what effective hypnosis is and discuss questions and answer about hypnotherapy.

What is hypnosis?

In 1843 the Scottish physician James Braid (1795–1860) gave the earliest definition of hypnosis, coined the term “hypnotism” and defined it as: “a peculiar condition of the nervous system, induced by a fixed and abstracted attention of the mental and visual eye, on one object, not of an exciting nature.”

French psychiatrist Pierre Janet (1859–1947), the pioneer of the psychodynamic psychology, described hypnosis as a state with a lowered level of consciousness (self-awareness). Translated into French: “abaissement du niveau mental.” This involves selectively focused attention accompanied by a loosening of inhibitions.

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes. The British Medical Association (1955) and the American Medical Association (1958) accepted the treatment method of hypnotherapy an accepted therapeutic technique.

Question and answer on who does hypnosis? Clinical hypnotherapists vs hypnotists

Hypnotists and clinical hypnotherapists are different kind of practitioners. Mostly, this distinction has to do with the professional’s academic background. Professional clinical hypnotherapists typically hold advanced degrees in psychology and are licensed to practice in the mental health field.

If you are living in Dubai and seeking effective hypnosis and the services of a hypnotherapist, you might find it a daunting task understand service providers’ credentials, boards, and education. Essentially, hypnotherapy is an unlicensed profession in Dubai. This means that hypnotherapists in Dubai do not have to meet a particular set of standards. Most hypnotherapists have trained with an organization and voluntarily registered with a board. Their websites usually provide information on their credentials and show board affiliations. You will be able to google the board to look at what the membership requirements are and what the credentials mean. If you feel a pull towards a hypnotherapist in Dubai, it might be a good idea to call and have a brief conversation about training and experience. Surly, a qualified hypnotherapist in Dubai would not mind giving such basic information.

Work with a hypnotherapist who holds a license to provide mental health services if you are seeking to treat a mental health disorder (e.g. depression, anxiety, dependency etc.). The basic licensed professions in Dubai are: psychologist, counsellor, or psychiatrist. The combined qualifications of a licensed mental health care professional and clinical hypnotherapist provide a solid foundation to treat any mental health disorder.

Question about hypnotherapy theory

There are two main streams of hypnotherapy mirroring the division of the main therapeutic schools: behavioral and psychodynamic psychotherapy (the latter derived from Freud’s psychoanalysis). Psychodynamic based methods (among them the Freudian method) are good for allowing the origin of problems to be brought from the unconscious to the surface. Your hypnotherapist will facilitate insight about this information, so that an undesirable effect can be made harmless.

Behaviourally influenced techniques are good for breaking ingrained habit patterns which contribute to problems using some reinforcing or exposure methods with or without affirmations and positive thinking. During effective hypnosis the hypnotherapist will tailor to the patient’s particular nature and needs.

Credentials of hypnotherapists

Patients will benefit from looking at the hypnotherapist’s qualifications before they make an appointment. The patient should certainly look into the hypnotherapists credentials, make sure that he or she is affiliated to certified organization: in America to the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis; in Britain to the London College of Clinical Hypnosis or the British Hypnotherapy Association. Dubai Health Authority DHA licensed psychologists or counsellors with hypnotherapy training and certifications will be the most qualified hypnotherapists.

Questions and answers about what happens in a hypnotherapy session at CHMC in Dubai?

When you first meet your hypnotherapist, you will build trust and rapport with her. In a confidential conversation, the patient tells about his/her life and the things he/she wishes to change. To achieve effective hypnosis, the hypnotherapist listens carefully and asks questions to be able to see and understand the patient fully in his/her social, familial, professional and emotional world. A professional hypnotherapist in at CHMC in Dubai will use that information during hypnosis to facilitate the changes and growth the patient desires.

As Roy Hunter (2010) stated, Charles Tebbetts, who became a legend in the hypnotherapy profession while still living, revealed this secret of hypnosis at the start of every session he did with these words: “All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.” . . . Tebbetts believed that the hypnotist or hypnotherapist was simply a guide facilitating the patient’s inborn ability to change as desired, because all the power is already inside the mind of the person experiencing hypnosis. In short, Tebbetts believed and taught that all hypnosis is guided self-hypnosis.

Our procedure for effective hypnosis at our Dubai clinic

The following description complies with the standardized technique of hypnotherapy our clinical hypnotherapist uses in our clinic:
The patient will get comfortable on the sofa. The hypnotherapist will then do an induction (the process of introducing hypnosis) beginning with a progressive head to toe relaxation followed by a deep relaxation with Guided Imageries and Metaphors (Ericksonian Method). The induction process ends with the traditional 10 -1 count down.

The clinical hypnotherapist will use a variety of therapeutic techniques with you. These hypnosis techniques are Guided Imagery, Suggestions, Object Projections, Regression Therapy, or Parts-Therapy. An experienced hypnotherapist will work with what emerges and use the technique most suitable to the situation. There will be speaking during hypnosis. The hypnotherapist might will ask you to answer questions with a yes, or no. Other times patient will be encouraged to verbalize what is going on in his mind. This therapeutic hypnosis conversation facilitates understanding, so that you can do relearning of the situation can occur after feelings have been discharged, or in other words, an abreaction has occurred. It is the release of feelings and coming to an understanding of what happened that resolves issues on an unconscious level. As a result of this, symptoms that a patient might have had, such as anxiety, feelings of inadequacy or fear disappear.

The hypnosis ends with a count up from 1 to 5. And by the time the patient reaches the number 5, he will be back in a wide awake, fully alert state. Before parting, a few minutes reflection about the patient’s experience will take place.

What effective hypnosis and hypnotherapy is used for:

In a time when people feel rushed and stressed, self-hypnosis serves as an effective, natural way to decompress. Everybody can learn the art of self-hypnosis to achieve deep relaxation. It also is possible to make a voice recording with calming ideas and images that transport people into a serene, peaceful state.

For our Dubai patients: 12 Questions and Answers for Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

1. What is effective hypnosis and hypnotherapy and what are its benefits?

Hypnotherapy is a state of relaxation, and the client can compare it to what it feels like about to falling asleep. At that point, our brains generate alpha and theta waves (visible in EEG) introducing a state which allow access to our unconscious mind. In general, hypnosis can help explore and address reasons for behaviours and feelings the individual is not aware of, creating an understanding and opening the way for future changes. You will uncover the causes for your mental discomfort during hypnotherapy. Your will be released, and you will experience positive relearning. As a result of this, individuals experience personal growth and empowerment.

2. Whom is Hypnotherapy good for? Are there any contra-indications for hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is good for anyone in Dubai who feel that something is holding them back from being the person they can, or want to be. Your hypnotherapist will not use this method of therapy for severe conditions like schizophrenia, mania or severe depression with suicidal thoughts. A psychiatrist has to treat these serious mental health disorders.

3. Can it happen that you will be not able to be hypnotized?

The vast majority of people can be hypnotized. An exception would be a person who does not want to be hypnotized and fights against it mentally.

4. Is the hypnosis safe? Are the fears of losing control justified? Is there any conscious control about the hypnotized person’s actions?

While under hypnosis the person stays true to him/herself. The hypnotized person will not do anything which doesn’t correspond with his/her moral standard. The person will not reveal any information he/she wants to keep secret. Despite a deep relaxation the person is aware of what’s going on. Hypnosis always is safe while under the care of an ethical and qualified hypnotherapist.

5. Can you get stuck in hypnosis?

No, you cannot stay stuck in hypnosis! It might feel so good that someone is slow to come out of hypnosis, but it`s really just a matter of a few minutes.

6. What kind of experiences can you expect during and after an effective hypnosis and hypnotherapy session at CHMC in Dubai?

Hypnosis has a relaxing effect helping our patients let go of the day`s thoughts and worries. Then, depending on the technique the hypnotherapist applies, the patient might just continue to relax and listen, or he/she might be engaged in a therapeutic conversation. Sometimes the patient will follow and imagine therapeutic guided imageries. After the hypnotherapy session ends, in some cases a short moment of drowsiness can appear followed by the feeling of relaxation and refreshment.

7. How does Hypnotherapy help with Weight loss?

Hypnotherapy helps with weight loss. The hypnotherapist can help uncover and address the patient’s underlying reasons for unhealthy eating patterns. Patients often have embedded patterns that a hypnotherapist can changed in a positive way. Hypnotherapy also reinforces life-style changes.

8. How does Hypnotherapy help dependency recovery?

Hypnotherapy is a valuable tool for anyone in recovery from dependency. It will address the underlying causes of dependency, and the patient will experience stress reduction and relapse prevention. Today, chemical dependency specialists agree that the psychological part of the dependency remains lifelong, which means that if someone is truly dependent on a substance or behaviour, he/she will not be able to consume this substance or go into the old habits in controlled way without an immediate relapse. Recovery is about being content and happy without the need for mind altering substances or other forms of addiction.

9. How big is the risk to get back to old patterns?

Life-style changes are always difficult. Key is that the old habits will persist until the new, healthy lifestyle becomes the natural way of living. This new lifestyle will bring to the individual many rewards, and that in itself is worth the initial effort it takes to make necessary changes. If old patterns begin to creep back in, it is time to ask for support.

10. Will the problems completely go away with hypnotherapy?

Life is difficult and there will always be challenges. The hypnotherapy opens the door for an effective coping with and mastering these challenges. Effective coping relates to self-esteem, confidence, assertiveness, and ability to communicate. Hypnosis is a valuable tool to build these strengths, in essence, creating the foundation the people need to deal with life`s adversities.

11. What is the technique for hypnotizing people?

Hypnotists have different styles and techniques. We induce a hypnotic state through softly spoken words, sometimes a calming background music that encourage relaxation.

12. How many sessions at our Dubai clinic do you need to see a difference in problematic behavior or symptoms relief?

Usually, the person recognizes a difference after the first session. Generally, the number of sessions a client needs depends on the problem area we are working on. The range is 3 – 10 sessions. Smoking cessation, for instance, requires only 3-5 sessions.

Hypnotherapy is not a panacea for all human problems and symptoms. The hypnotherapist will carefully investigate the presenting symptoms and reasons the patient is seeking hypnosis. In some cases, psychotherapy will be a more effective method to achieve a therapeutic success.

Dr. Annette Schonder

Clinical Counsellor, Marriage Therapist, Hypnotherapist (American Board)
Call +971 4 457 4240