Anger Management in Dubai

Introduction. Anger Management

Anger management in Dubai. The picture shows a tree hit by lightning

Feeling angry is a normal, universal human experience.  How we express our anger varies across individuals and societies.  We learn our individual expression of anger in our family, school, workplace and the larger society. When our expression of anger is above average levels, anger management in Dubai will help get it under control.

Reasons for anger management

According to medical studies, the immediate thing for an angry person to be aware of is that angry outbursts increase our heart rate, blood pressure, and “sticky” platelets. These sticky platelets are released by our system into the blood stream and potentially set up life threatening medical conditions, such as suffering a heart attack or a stroke.  Contrary to common belief, withholding angry outbursts will not cause any sort of inner explosion.  Conversely, the angry outburst actually is harmful to our mental and physical health.

Another critical point for you to have in mind is that everyone in the angry person’s environment is affected by someone’s angry outbursts.   In the workplace for example, co-workers lose self-esteem, are less productive and suffer negative health effects.  They call in sick more often and eventually will leave the organization.  Spouses of angry people report much lower rates of marital happiness and higher rates of anxiety and depression.  Children growing up in families where anger is not managed well by angry individuals feel unsafe and unloved.  This leaves psychological scars on children that take a long time to heal. When scarred individuals avoid therapy, this dysfunctional pattern will continue for generations.

Anger manifests in two ways:

Emotional abuse:

  • Obscene Language
  • Sarcasm
  • Unfavourable Comparisons to Others
  • Threatening (violence and abandonment)
  • Put Downs
  • Insulting Remarks About Friends and Family
  • Dishonesty
  • Blaming
  • Shaming
  • Unequal Treatment
  • Controlling Behaviours (money, space etc.)
  • Exclusion from Decision Making …

Physical abuse:

  • Violence
  • Hitting
  • Slapping
  • Pinching
  • Pushing
  • Holding Down
  • Any Physical Disrespect …

Anger management is a sign of strength and maturity

There is nothing easier than to explode in anger; however, the emotionally mature person uses strategies to understand triggers and understands ways of anger management.  It is beneficial to all of us that we make strides towards healthy expressions of anger. This is why anger management in Dubai is a sign of strength.

Tips for Anger Management

Understanding Yourself

Take the Time to understand yourself. What Offends You?  How do you feel about

  • Disrespect
  • Unfair Treatment
  • Incompetence

Managing the triggers

Learn how to manage your trigger situations.  Some you can simply avoid, and for others you can come up with appropriate things to say and do that will protect your needs and set healthy boundaries with others.

Think before acting

Make a decision to respond and not react. When you realize you are angry, take a moment to think. This lets you gather your thoughts to be able to state the problem on hand to work towards solving the issue.

Knowing the difference between assertion and aggression

An assertive statement could be: “I feel disrespected when I have to wait an hour for you to come.  I expect you to be on time, or, kindly let me know that you are delayed.”

Aggressive statements are often accusatory, contain generalizations like “always and never,” and are insulting in word choice and content.

Taking time out

Give yourself and others permission to “take a time out” for calming down, understanding the issue better, and coming together again for renewed discussion and problem solving.

Identifying repetitive behaviour

You do not have to get angry about the same thing over and over again. Find solutions for solvable problems, see them through, and follow up. Know when you are up against an unsolvable problem and try respectful acceptance.

Changing thinking patterns

For example, if you think your unruly 2-year-old is defying you on purpose, you might want to reconsider. Maybe the child is tired, hungry, or simply unable to manage his feelings due to his young age.

Taking self-care

Follow good self-care guidelines that include healthy eating, good sleep, relaxation, mindfulness, hobbies, social, and spiritual needs.

Consider counselling

  • If you feel that you cannot manage your anger, consider seeing a counsellor to address deep-seated issues to begin your journey of recovery.
  • To get a head start on learning to communicate positively with a spouse or other persons of significance.
  • If you need information on positive parenting.
  • after having noticed that you use alcohol to calm down.

The most effective psychotherapy method is CBT.

As Robert Fulghum said

“Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will break our hearts.”

Dr. Annette Schonder

Clinical Counsellor, Marriage Therapist, Hypnotherapist (American Board)
Call +971 4 457 4240


Allan, R (2006).  Getting control of your anger.  New York:  McGraw-Hill

How Anger Hurts Your Heart. Webmd.

What is anger. Center of Disease Control. Retrieved Sept. 2022.